Hunter X Hunter

A boy named Gon sets off on an adventure to find his father and explore the world outside of his tiny island. The story starts off as an episodic kid’s show and eventually evolves into a poetic, nuanced epic of the ages. Considered to be a deconstructed shonen anime, Hunter X Hunter enjoys exploring mature themes such as morality and subjectivity.


Explore the details of Hunter X Hunter
through behind-the-scenes close-ups:


Beginnings: Hunter Exam

As a continuation of my timeline concept, this tells the story of Hunter X Hunter in full chronological order from bottom to top, encasing it in the silhouette of the main protagonist. The story starts here with Gon on Whale Tail Island, catching the Lord of the Lake in order to start his journey becoming a Hunter like his father.

FUN FACT: In the manga version, Gon starts off the story with a foxbear friend. If you look closely at the tree trunk (not pictured here) you’ll find a foxbear territory marking. .




Arguably one of the most fascinating parts of HxH are the morally fluid characters that leave you questioning which side you’re rooting for. A prime example is Hisoka, who acts as an obstructor and cultivator. This trickster will have you guessing at every turn.

FUN FACT: pictured are Illumi’s eyes bewitching Killua; if you look closely you can read the hypnotic message.

FUN FACT 2: also pictured is Kastro, Hisoka’s opponent in the Heaven’s Arena battle, dying in a frenzied dance. ♥



FRiendship over everything

Hunter X Hunter stands out by its choice to focus more on the friendship and adventures of the two boys rather than on their goals. What they do is always secondary to the bond they develop (any Killua fans out there??).


FUN FACT: in this piece, Gon and Killua are highlighted 9 different times together to represent their unshakable bond. See if you can find them all!




Not afraid to switch it up, each arc in this series has a completely different genre and tone, even going so far as shifting attention from the main characters Gon/Killua to Kurapika. The arcs travel from adventure, tournament, gangster noir, video game, ecological succession, to political campaigning. There is no shortage of diversity and spontaneity when it comes to this story.

FUN FACT: right below Kurapika is a cup with overflowing water and leaf, which represents the leaf test Nen users must take to discover their own Nen bias.




This eclectic group of misfits have that outsider quality while constantly being the center of attention. They’re spontaneous and always entertaining to watch, never knowing which direction their mood or choices will lead them.

FUN FACT: the beer on the top left is there in remembrance of Uvo, and the gun on the right is for Pakunoda.

FUN FACT 2: inside the weblike stained glass from their hideout (pictured below) there’s also a small spider in the middle just to reinforce who they are.



Greed IsLAND

Going from the auction, passing through the entrance, teleporting to Masadora, to playing the most intense game of dodgeball you’ve ever seen, this segment is a whimsical interpretation of the Greed Island arc. Just outside this detail are the gatekeepers Eta and Elena, along with the Book and Cards they get to play the game. Some of the square tiles above (not pictured here) also have little bombs paying homage to minesweeper, but also drawing parallels in their search for “The Bomber.”

FUN FACT: the orange design in the background actually says “greed” and is taken from the cover of the book they get to hold cards in.

FUN FACT 2: (not pictured here) Bisky is also holding up a number with her finger. Can you use your Gyo to see it?




Is it evil if you don’t know better? Is it evil if it’s justified? Does evil deserve love? In one of the best (and also longest) arcs of the series, the Chimera Ant arc deconstructs and challenges the way we see heroes and villains. A huge departure from the first season, this arc showcases the creator’s ability as a poetic storyteller who just happens to make cartoons.

FUN FACT: the square tiles below representing the Gungi board they play on is also shaped like a staircase to symbolize the invasion of the palace scene. On the top right is also the hawk that attacks Komugi.

FUN FACT 2: behind them is the Poor Man’s Rose exploding.




The story continues with more adventures, but the dynamic duo part ways and find new meaning in their lives. Gon meets his father at the Top of the World, so Ging is literally placed at the highest point of the painting. It’s a storybook ending with Gon leaving his island alone to search for his father, re-uniting with him, and returning to Whale Tail island. Luckily there’s still more stories and adventures to come with Gon and the gang.


Scavenger Hunt:

There are so many other little moments and easter eggs in this art piece. Here are some fun things to look out for:

  • Gon hiding from Hisoka on Zevil Island

  • Bees coming from Pokkle’s hat

  • Milluki’s collection of toys

  • The boys yelling Osu!

  • Gon, Killua, and Hisoka’s exam badges

  • Heaven’s Arena floor numbers

  • Phantom Troupe bounty list

  • Ant Queen hiding

  • Money falling from Alluka wish

  • The squished butler that paid for it

  • Knov hiding from the fight

  • Palm using her power

  • Adult Gon rage mode

  • The words Hunter Hunter in their language